Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Week 12 Reading Notes: The Seven Secrets of Vishnu part D

Tivikrama's secret:  Ignorance breeds insecurity and arrogance. 

Vishnu:  Wikipedia

Saraswati= peace Lakshmi= wealth
It is interesting to see the relationships that revolve around Lakshmi.  Because she is jealous of Lakshmi's attention, Saraswati always leaves when Lakshmi shows up.  Lakshmi then uses Alakshmi for company. 

"The journey from what I have to what I am"
It could be really cool to write a story based around greed and it could have this idea as the moral.  Someone could have a lot of material things and lose them and discover the true wealth in knowing who they truly are. 

Devas- insecure and complacent
Asauras- generous

Evil means "the absence of God" but in this religion that doesn't make sense.  They say that everything on earth is a "manifestation of the divine" and thus it cannot be evil. 

This video also explains that evil actions are the actions that happen without a reason or explanation.  This also makes no sense in Hinduism because Karma is a force that causes everything to have a reason. 

It could be really cool to do a religion based story and talk about the forces behind everything in the world and just kind of combine pieces of all religions in it, but it would take a lot of research and I don't want to offend anyone. 

Source:  Pattanaik's Seven Secrets of Vishnu:  Link to Part D video

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